Jean Bricard Award for PEMs4Nano work

Dumitru Duca has received his third prize for his work in PEMs4Nano at the French Aerosol Conference in Paris. On Wednesday January 29th he received the Prix Jean Bricard 2020 for his PhD thesis titled “Physico-chemical characterization of combustion generated aerosols and surrogates”. Dumitru did his PhD project at the University of Lille, Laboratoire de Physique de Lasers, Atome et Molécules.

Since 1998, the Association Française d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Aérosols (ASFERA) promotes young scientists in aerosol research by offering the Bricard Award. The Bricard Award is intended to recognize the scientific work of a doctorate French student. The award consists in sponsoring the doctorate student for presenting his work to an international conference (EAC or IAC).

The price is named after Professor Jean Bricard (1907-1988) who was active at the University of Paris from the late 40’s to the mid-70’s and considered as the father of the French Aerosol Science. His work was focus mainly on the physics of the atmosphere and clouds.